Medhu Vadai, also known as Ulundu Vadai, is a popular South Indian snack made from black gram dal (urad dal). It’s a deep-fried, savory fritter that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Here’s a simple recipe for making Medhu Vadai Ingredients: 1 cup black gram dal (urad dal) 1 small onion, finely chopped 2–3 green chilies, finely chopped A handful of curry leaves, chopped 1 inch ginger, grated Salt to taste Oil for deep frying Instructions: Rinse the black gram dal thoroughly and soak it in water for 2–3 hours. Drain the water from the soaked dal and grind it to a smooth paste without adding too much water. The consistency should be thick and fluffy Transfer the ground dal to a mixing bowl and add chopped onions, green chilies, curry leaves, grated ginger, and salt. Mix everything well. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Wet your hands with water to prevent the batter from sticking, take a small portion of the batter, and shape it into a flat round disc with a hole in th...